We investigated concerted evolution of rRNA genes in multiple populations of Tragopogon mirus and T. miscellus, two allotetraploids that formed recurrently within the last 80 years following the introduction of three diploids (T. dubius, T. pratensis, and T. porrifolius) from Europe to North America. Using the earliest herbarium specimens of the allotetraploids (1949 and 1953) to represent the genomic condition near the time of polyploidization, we found that the parental rDNA repeats were inherited in roughly equal numbers. In contrast, in most present-day populations of both tetraploids, the rDNA of T. dubius origin is reduced and may occupy as little as 5% of total rDNA in some individuals. However, in two populations of T. mirus the repeats of T. dubius origin outnumber the repeats of the second diploid parent (T. porrifolius), indicating bidirectional concerted evolution within a single species. In plants of T. miscellus having a low rDNA contribution from T. dubius, the rDNA of T. dubius was nonetheless expressed. We have apparently caught homogenization of rDNA repeats (concerted evolution) in the act, although it has not proceeded to completion in any allopolyploid population yet examined. (Ownbey 1950). The introduction of these dipsequences frequently show evidence of homogenizaloid species into the Palouse brought them into close tion, probably caused by processes such as unequal contact, something that rarely occurs in the Old World crossing over and gene conversion, mechanisms collecwhere the diploids are largely allopatric. Using mortively referred to as concerted evolution (Zimmer et al. phology and cytology, Ownbey (1950) demonstrated 1980;Dover 1982). The process of concerted evolution that T. mirus and T. miscellus are allotetraploids (2n ϭ can best be studied in synthetic polyploids or in natural 24) whose diploid (2n ϭ 12) parents are T. dubius and polyploids of clear and very recent ancestry. However, T. porrifolius and T. dubius and T. pratensis, respectively. only a few naturally occurring polyploid species areThe ancestries of both tetraploids were subsequently known to have arisen spontaneously within the past 150 confirmed through flavonoid, isozymic, and DNA studyears: Cardamine schulzii (Urbanska et al. 1997) clones from the polyploids suggested that the parental and P. S. Soltis, personal observation).rDNA types were not present in the allotetraploids in Variable numbers of rRNA genes coding for 18S-5.8S-equal frequency. In fact, T. dubius appeared to be under-26S RNA occur in different plant species (between 1000 represented in both allotetraploid species. To assess and Ͼ50,000 genes), forming multigene families in long whether concerted evolution has been operating in the tandem arrays (Hemleben and Zentgraf 1994). The recently formed allotetraploids, T. mirus and T. miscellus, intragenic (ITS) and intergenic spacers (IGS) associwe investigated the rDNA cistron using cloning, Southated with genic regions often vary among species and ern blots, slot blots, and single-str...