In this paper, I give an overview of some selected results in quantum many body theory, lying at the interface between mathematical quantum statistical mechanics and condensed matter theory. In particular, I discuss some recent results on the universality of transport coefficients in lattice models of interacting electrons, with specific focus on the independence of the quantum Hall conductivity from the electron-electron interaction. In this context, the exchange of ideas between mathematical and theoretical physics proved particularly fruitful, and helped in clarifying the role played by quantum conservation laws (Ward Identities) together with the decay properties of the Euclidean current-current correlation functions, on the interaction-independence of the conductivity coefficients. arXiv:1711.06991v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 19 Nov 2017In this paper I will review some of the latest developments in the universality theory of quantum transport coefficients, which allowed to clarify certain debated issues connected with the optical conductivity in graphene [31]. The key new technical tool that emerged from the combination of theoretical and mathematical physics ideas, is the implementation of Ward Identities within the constructive scheme ('multiscale fermionic cluster expansion') that is currently able to control the analyticity and decay of correlation functions for the ground state of several two-dimensional interacting electron systems. Note that a formal use of Ward Identities in the effective field theory description of quantum phenomena, can easily lead to inconsistent results, particularly as far as the computation of transport coefficients is concerned, cf., e.g., with [39].In order to make the ideas behind these recent applications as transparent as possible, I will restrict my attention to the study of the universality properties of the Kubo conductivity, and, in particular, of its transverse component (Hall conducitivity) in weakly interacting lattice fermions characterized by a gapped ('massive') reference non-interacting Hamiltonian. For these systems, the construction of the ground state correlation functions and the proof of their analyticity properties is particularly simple and, strictly speaking, does not require a multiscale expansion at all. The extension of the proof to the gapless case, in particular in the case of graphene-like systems, requires the use of a multiscale analysis (constructive fermionic renormalization group), which goes beyond the purpose of this review.The argument presented here is based on [32], which I will refer to for some technical aspects of the proof. However, compared to [32], the proof presented here has some important simplifications in the proof of analyticity and exponential decay of correlations.The plan is to first introduce the context, the model and the main results. Next, I will present the proof, first giving an overview of the structure of the proof, and then explaining in some details the different steps.
The quantum Hall effectBefore presenting the mai...