ABSTRACT:The evolution of a single nuclear magnetic spin during the application of radiofrequency (RF) pulses is followed using the 3 ϫ 3 matrix solution to the Bloch equations. The effect of different pulses on the magnetization of spin-1/2 nuclei is described using this 3 ϫ 3 matrix. Simulations of the magnetization following a simple square pulse, amplitude and amplitude/frequency modulated pulses are represented as unit vectors in the rotating reference frame, and evolution of the magnetization can be followed at any time during the application of the pulse. Projection of these vectors onto the transverse plane of the rotating frame of reference is the magnitude of the various components of detectable magnetization. From these simulations, the peak amplitude required to drive the RF power output of linear amplifiers can be calculated accurately and directly related to experiment. In addition, the magnitude of magnetization for a range of frequency offsets within an NMR spectrum can be simulated with or without phase cycling. The simulations of shaped and adiabatic pulses are described. The accuracy of these simulations were readily verified by experiment so that implementation of new pulses into pulse sequences could be assessed by simulation prior to application and reduce the use of spectrometer time for optimization of RF pulses in NMR pulse sequences.