Abstract--We have re-examined the inertial range behavior of a passive scalar which is advected by a large-scale velocity field causing a cascade of tracer variance to small scales, where it is dissipated by diffusion. This has been done within the context of an idealized model based on mixing by a 2D area-preserving map alternating with a weak diffusion step; the model is a special case of the general advection-diffusion problem. Both freely decaying and forced equilibrium systems were considered. Our main interest in this concerns the validity of Batchelor's theory predicting a k -I tracer variance spectrum, but the tracer microstructure has been diagnosed in terms of concentration probability distribution functions, generalized dimensions of the dissipation field, structure functions, and cancellation exponents. 2D simulations carried out at 10242 resolution show that i;, the decaying case the evolution settles into a 'fractal eigenmode' in which the variance decays exponentially with time at a rate dependent on the Lyapunov exponent but independent of the diffusion coefficient. Although the concentration pattern is self-similar with time, the power spectrum is not algebraic. Concentration PDFs have exponential tails. The dissipation field is not multifractal, and formally has Dq = 2 for all q. The convergence of the squared-gradient PDFs under coarse-graining indicates some underlying fractal behavior, however, and we have introduced the notion of 'fractal degree of freedom' systems to describe such entities. Cancellation exponents and structure functions were also considered, and have a self-similarity which is compatible with a non-intermittent behavior of the dissipation field. These matters have also been addressed for the equilibrium case. The main difference is that the power spectrum of concentration variance in equilibrium exhibits a power-law inertial range, though it is steeper than k -1, but not as steep as k -2. Other features are similar to the decaying case. Very high resolution simulations of the undiffused problem indicate that a k -1 spectrum is approached asymptotically, but only at resolutions corresponding to 106 x 106. The passive scalar behavior is compared and contrasted with the behavior of scalar pseudo-vorticity (an 'active scalar') in the family of generalized 2D turbulence models introduced elsewhere in this issue.