We present the Uppsala system for the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task on universal dependency parsing. Our system is a pipeline consisting of three components: the first performs joint word and sentence segmentation; the second predicts part-ofspeech tags and morphological features; the third predicts dependency trees from words and tags. Instead of training a single parsing model for each treebank, we trained models with multiple treebanks for one language or closely related languages, greatly reducing the number of models. On the official test run, we ranked 7th of 27 teams for the LAS and MLAS metrics.Our system obtained the best scores overall for word segmentation, universal POS tagging, and morphological features.Corrigendum: After the test phase was over, we discovered that we had used a non-permitted resource when developing the UPOS tagger for Thai PUD (see Section 4). Setting our LAS, MLAS and UPOS scores to 0.00 for Thai PUD gives the corrected scores: LAS 72.31, MLAS 59.17, UPOS 90.50. This does not affect the ranking for any of the three scores, as confirmed by the shared task organizers.
ResourcesAll three components of our system were trained principally on the training sets of Universal Dependencies v2.2 released to coincide with the shared task . The tagger and parser also make use of the pre-trained word