We introduce a new continuous cellular automaton that presents self-organized criticality. It is one-dimensional, totally deterministic, without any embedded randomness, not even in the initial conditions. This system is in the same universality class as the Oslo rice pile, boundary driven interface depinning and the train model for earthquakes. Although the system is chaotic, in the thermodynamic limit chaos occurs only in a microscopic level.In 1987, Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld showed that fractal behavior, that is, power-law distributions, can be observed in simple dissipative systems with many degrees of freedom without fine tuning of parameters [1]. They called this phenomenon self-organized criticality (SOC). Until then, the studies of fractal structures were basically related to equilibrium systems where fractality appears only at special parameter values where a phase transition takes place.Since the pioneering work of Bak et. al, an enormous amount of numerical, theoretical and experimental studies have been done in systems that present SOC. One of the most interesting experimental studies demonstrating the existence of SOC in Nature was done in a quasi-onedimensional pile of rice by Frette et. al [2]. They found that the occurrence of SOC depends on the shape of the rice. Only with sufficient elongated grains, avalanches with a power-law distribution occurred. If the rice had little asymmetry, a distribution described by a stretched exponential was seen. Christensen et. al [3] introduced a model for the rice pile experiment in which the local critical slope varies randomly between 1 and 2. They found that their model, known as the Oslo rice pile model, reproduced well the experimental results.A good understanding of the Oslo system was achieved by Paczuski and Boettcher [4]. They showed that it could be mapped exactly to a model for interface depinning where the interface is slowly pulled at one end through a medium with quenched random pinning forces. They found that the height of the interface maps to the number of toppling events in the rice pile model. The critical exponents of the two models were identical (within the error bars), showing that they were in the same universality class. Paczuski and Boettcher also conjectured that the train model for earthquakes, which was introduced by Burridge and Knopoff [5], and studied in detail in [6], is also in that same universality class. The train model is the only model that we know (besides the one we introduce here) that presents SOC and has no kind of embedded randomness. However, it is governed by coupled ordinary equations (ODE's), what makes its study very time consuming.A way of making a system governed by ODE's more amenable to computer simulations is to discretize it in time. This was done by Olami, Feder and Christensen (OFC) [7] who introduced a continuous cellular automaton (CCA) to study the two-dimensional version of another Burridge and Knopoff model for earthquakes [5]. [A continuous cellular automaton in SOC is known in chaos theory as coup...