It is known since 1973 that Lawvere's notion of (Cauchy-)complete enriched category is meaningful for metric spaces: it captures exactly Cauchy-complete metric spaces. In this paper we introduce the corresponding notion of Lawvere completeness for (Ì, V)-categories and show that it has an interesting meaning for topological spaces and quasi-uniform spaces: for the former ones means weak sobriety while for the latter means Cauchy completeness. Further, we show that V has a canonical (Ì, V)-category structure which plays a key role: it is Lawvere-complete under reasonable conditions on the setting; permits us to define a Yoneda embedding in the realm of (Ì, V)-categories. (2000): 18A05, 18D15, 18D20, 18B35, 18C15, 54E15, 54E50.
Mathematics Subject ClassificationKey words: V-category, bimodule, monad, (Ì, V)-category, completeness.
IntroductionLawvere in his 1973 paper Metric spaces, generalized logic, and closed categories formulates a notion of complete V-category and shows that for (generalised) metric spaces it means Cauchy completeness. This notion of completeness deserved the attention of the categorical community, and the notion of Cauchy-complete category, or Freyd-Karoubi complete category is well-known, mostly in the context of Ab-enriched categories. However, it never got the attention of the topological community. In this paper we interpret Lawvere's completeness in topological settings. We extend Lawvere's notion of complete V-category to the (topological) setting of (Ì, V)-categories (for a symmetric and unital quantale V), and show that it encompasses well-known notions in topological categories, meaning weakly sober space in the category of topological spaces and continuous maps, weakly sober approach space in the category of approach spaces and non-expansive maps, and Cauchy-completeness in the category of quasi-uniform spaces and uniformly continuous maps.We present also a first step towards a possible construction of completion. Indeed, in the setting of V-categories, it is well-known that the completion of a V-category may be built out of the Yoneda embedding X → V X op . In the (Ì, V)-setting, we could prove that V has a canonical (Ì, V)-categorical structure and that every (Ì, V)-category X has a canonical dual * The authors acknowledge partial financial assistance by Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra/FCT and Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Matemática e Aplicações da Universidade de Aveiro/FCT. 1 X op . Using this structure and the free Eilenberg-Moore algebra structure |X| on T X, we get two "Yoneda-like" morphismsFor the latter one we prove a Yoneda Lemma (see 4.2). Furthermore, we show that, under suitable conditions, V is a Lawvere-complete (Ì, V)-category, a first step towards a completion construction which will be the subject of a forthcoming paper.In order to make the presentation of this paper smoother, in Section 1 we recall the notions and properties of V-categories we will generalize throughout. First we introduce V-categories and V-bimodules, and de...