Education diplomacy, which is one of the most important elements of internationalization strategies, has been used by many states and in this context, international education activities have a big role in education diplomacy. In this sense, within the scope of this policy in Turkey, especially in the last 20 years, there has been a great improvement in the admission of foreign students. University education is a very important process for students with career planning, finding a good job, gaining professional competence and similar purposes. For young people who receive this training in a foreign country, it is a challenge. In this process, students encounter many problems that will increase their anxiety and try to manage these concerns. This struggle often causes more anxiety. This process, which appears as situational anxiety, can turn into constant anxiety with the thought of possible negativities. It is important to examine how the Covid-19 pandemic process, which has spread all over the world since the end of 2019 affects foreign students' anxiety levels. There are many studies in the literature that determine anxiety levels. However, very few studies have been conducted on the anxiety levels of foreign students. The universe of this research, which was conducted to reveal the anxiety levels of foreign university students during the Covid-19 pandemic process, consists of 1635 foreign students at Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, who continue face-to-face education in the 2020-2021 academic year, and the sample of the research is easily selected from nonprobability sampling methods. It consists of 298 students who can be reached according to the sampling method and answered the questionnaire. In the study, it was analyzed whether the trait anxiety-state anxiety levels of foreign university students during the Covid-19 pandemic process and whether the anxiety levels of university students differ significantly according to the variables of gender, age, school type, accommodation, place and working status during the pandemic process. The results are interpreted.