We consider a sterile neutrino to be an unparticle, namely an unsterile neutrino, with anomalous dimension η and study its mixing with a canonical active neutrino via a see-saw mass matrix. We show that there is no unitary transformation that diagonalizes the mixed propagator and a field redefinition is required. The propagating or "mass" states correspond to an unsterile-like and active-like mode. The unsterile mode features a complex pole or resonance for 0 ≤ η < 1/3 with an "invisible width" which is the result of the decay of the unsterile mode into the active mode and the massless particles of the hidden conformal sector. For η ≥ 1/3, the complex pole disappears, merging with the unparticle threshold. The active mode is described by a stable pole, but "inherits" a non-vanishing spectral density above the unparticle threshold as a consequence of the mixing.We find that the radiative decay width of the unsterile neutrino into the active neutrino (and a photon) via charged current loops, is suppressed by a factor ∼ 2 sin 2 (θ 0 ) M 2 Λ 2 η 1−η , where θ 0 is the mixing angle for η = 0, M is approximately the mass of the unsterile neutrino and Λ M is the unparticle-scale. The suppression of the radiative (visible) decay width of the sterile neutrino weakens the bound on the mass and mixing angle from the X-ray or soft gamma-ray background.