We use the idea of a Wigner surmise to compute approximate distributions of the first eigenvalue in chiral Random Matrix Theory, for both real and complex eigenvalues. Testing against known results for zero and maximal non-Hermiticity in the microscopic large-N limit we find an excellent agreement, valid for a small number of exact zero-eigenvalues. New compact expressions are derived for real eigenvalues in the orthogonal and symplectic classes, and at intermediate non-Hermiticity for the unitary and symplectic classes. Such individual Dirac eigenvalue distributions are a useful tool in Lattice Gauge Theory and we illustrate this by showing that our new results can describe data from two-colour QCD simulations with chemical potential in the symplectic class.PACS numbers: 02.10.Yn,12.38.Gc 1. Motivation. Probably one of the most used predictions of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) is the so-called Wigner surmise (WS) describing the universal repulsion of energy levels in many systems in nature, including neutron scattering, quantum billiards and elastomechanical modes in crystals [1]. For large matrices, the nearestneighbour (nn) spacing distribution p (β) (s) is universal and only depends on the repulsion strength which takes discrete values β = 1, 2, 4 for the three classical WignerDyson (WD) ensembles. It can be computed with surprising accuracy using 2 × 2 matrices, which is the WS. Although simple arguments discussed in [2] lead to this rule for β = 1, such an approximation is by no means obvious.The extension from WD to non-Hermitian RMT introduced long ago by Ginibre [3] has become a very active field in the past decade, in particular due to applications in open quantum systems, see [4] for references and other applications. Here the spacing is known only for the class with broken time-reversal (β = 2) and has been applied in Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT) [5]. However, a simple surmise based on 2 × 2 matrices does not work here.In this paper we investigate the existence of a surmise for the smallest eigenvalue in chiral RMT and its nonHermitian extensions. These have become relevant due to applications in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) initiated by [6] and extended to non-Hermitian QCD at finite quark chemical potential µ [7]. QCD at strong coupling is a notoriously difficult theory, and the chiral RMT approach has become an important tool for LGT with exact chiral fermions [8,9]. For non-Hermitian QCD the complex action hampers a straightforward LGT approach, see [10] for a recent discussion and references. Here RMT predictions remain possible for various quantities [11,12,13].In this paper we will show that an excellent approximation for the 1st non-zero eigenvalue is possible using a simple 2 × (2 + ν) matrix calculation, capturing the repulsion of a small number ν of zero eigenvalues. Being localised and non-oscillatory the 1st eigenvalue is much more suitable for LGT than the spectral density, compare e.g. [9] and [14]. Our surmise fills some gaps in predictions for real eigenvalues in the orthogonal and sympl...