A classically scale-invariant 6d analog of the 4d Yang-Mills theory is the 4-derivative (∇F ) 2 + F 3 gauge theory with two independent couplings. Motivated by a search for a perturbatively conformal but possibly non-unitary 6d models we compute the one-loop β-functions in this theory. A systematic way of doing this using the background field method requires the (previously unknown) expression for the b 6 Seeley-DeWitt coefficient for a generic 4-derivative operator; we derive it here. As an application, we also compute the one-loop β-function in the (1,0) supersymmetric (∇F ) 2 6d gauge theory constructed in hep-th/0505082. 1 lorenzo.casarin@aei.mpg.de 2 Also at the Lebedev Institute, Moscow. tseytlin@imperial.ac.uk 1 In 4 dimensions the F 2 + (∇F ) 2 + F 3 theory was studied in [2] and later in [3]. The result of [2] for the one-loop divergences in this 4d theory was corrected in [4] making it in agreement with that of [3].2 We use m, n, k, ... = 1, ..., 6 for coordinate indices and flat Euclidean 6d metric so that the position of contracted indices is irrelevant. The gauge group generators are normalized as tr(t a t b ) = −TRδ ab , [t a , t b ] = f abc t c , where TR = 1 2 in the fundamental representation of SU (N ) (we denote the trace in this case as Tr) and TR = C2 = N in the adjoint representation.3 Two other possible 4-derivative ∇F ∇F invariants are related to the above two by the Bianchi identity, e.g.,Fmn∇ 2 Fmn = −2 (∇mFmn) 2 + 4FmnF nk F km + total derivative. 4 Here tr is the trace over the matrix indices of a particular representation to which the quantum field belongs;for example, in the gauge theory case it is in the adjoint representation A ab m = f acb A c m , f acd f bcd = C2δ ab .