Lysates obtained shortly after entry of transforming DNA to Bacillus subtilis contain donor-recipient DNA complexes, in which the donor moiety is associated with the recipient DNA in an unstable way. The complexes could be artificially stabilized by crosslinking with 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen. The unstable complexes dissociated upon helix-destabilizing treatments, such as heating at 70 degrees C, and CsCl gradient centrifugation at pH 11.2, but remained stable during CsCl gradient centrifugation at pH 10. Donor-recipient DNA complexes were not formed after entry of heterologous pUB110 DNA. These observations suggest that base-pairing is involved in the unstable association. The donor moiety of the unstable complexes was completely, or almost completely, digestible by nuclease S1, indicating that the donor and recipient base-sequences are only paired over very short distances. The unstable donor-recipient DNA complexes are true recombination intermediates because (i) strain 7G224 (recE4) was impaired in the formation of the unstable complexes, and (ii) the unstable complexes were rapidly converted to stable complexes in recombination proficient strains, whereas their conversion was delayed in the recombination deficient strain 7G84. Unstable complexes were also formed with Escherichia coli donor DNA, but to a lesser extent. Apparently a limited degree of base-sequence homology is sufficient to initiate recombination.