The permanent magnet linear generator is widely applied in the direct-drive wave energy converter (DD-WEC) because of its high power density. In this paper, a novel tubular permanent magnet linear generator, which consists of multilayer and interior permanent magnets (MI-TLPMGs), is presented for DD-WEC, which improves the output power and back electromotive force (back EMF) through the flux concentrating effect. However, MI-TLPMGs with multilayer embedded permanent magnets have severe problems regarding force ripples and detent force, which affect the DD-WEC’s dynamics. Therefore, a DD-WEC system with MI-TLPMGs is proposed, and the effect of the detent force on the dynamic performance of the DD-WEC is analyzed theoretically. Then, the L-type auxiliary teeth and magnetic barriers, which are optimized by the Taguchi method, are introduced to minimize the detent force of the MI-TLPMGs. After optimization using the Taguchi method, the amplitude of the detent force is reduced from the initial 21.7 N to 5.2 N, which means it has weakened by nearly 76.1%. Finally, a prototype has been manufactured and measured in the wave tank to verify the optimization results.