Unsteady fluid mechanics and natural convective heat transfer during pasteurization and sterilization for aqueous (CMC solution) and fatty (soybean oil) liquid foods were numerically predicted by means of noncommercial computational program developed in this work. This software is based on the finite volume method and the food simulants are assumed to be non‐Newtonian fluids with a temperature‐dependent power‐law viscosity model. Different cylindrical container materials were analyzed (LDPE, PA, PP, galvanized steel), with h/d equal to 0.53, 1.56 and 3.12. Results obtained show that the time required for sterilization is strongly dependent on the liquid food rheological behavior. A recirculating flow pattern was found inside the cylindrical container for the aqueous food stimulant. The Tshz variation with the dimensionless time was faster heating when the h/d decreases. The fastest heating pasteurization and sterilization processes were obtained for CMC solutions inside cylindrical packages with a pseudoplastic behavior.
There is a vast body of literature about transport phenomena of thermal treatment of packaged food. However, this literature is restricted when the analyzed foods show a non‐Newtonian behavior. The methodology described in this paper aims to contribute to the understanding of pasteurization and sterilization of packaged non‐Newtonian liquid foods through the implementation of a fast and accurate tool for the optimization of the operational parameters in these treatments, as well as in the design of packaging materials. Commercially available computational fluid dynamics is a powerful tool for the analysis of transient heat transfer packages that allow it to simulate almost any geometry or even import it as Computer Aided Design (CFX, FLUENT and others). Also, rheological properties can be introduced by applying user‐defined functions. The noncommercial computational program developed in this work allows modifying operation, rheological and design parameters without restrictions. The versatility of these tools can complement experimental studies decreasing the time required to the design of the package and its associated costs.
On the other hand, an accurate prediction of the unsteady fluid mechanics and natural convective heat transfer during thermal treatments allows estimating the adequate conditions to preserve the quality of packaged foods, along with reduction in energy consumption, resulting in low contamination.