Solutions containing Triton-X-100 (p-octylphenoxydecaethyleneglycol), potassiumchloride and water were investigated by dynamic light scattering and temperature jump measurements. It could be shown that the strong turbidity effects in the one phase region near the cloud point depend on increasing concentration fluctuations and not on statistical distributions of isolated large micellar aggregates. In the limit of small 9-values the same expression is valid as well for theintensitycorrelationfunction as for the T-jump relaxation of the scattered light: I / ? = 2Dq2. ' (1*2 -2t* + 4 -(1'' + 21* + 4) . e-'*)/1*3From dynamic light scattering measurements on solutions of micellar aggregates diffusion coefficients of the micelles are obtained. If the increasing scattering intensity depends on increasing molecular weights T-jump experiments will yield the two relaxation times for micelle formation and redistribution. With this investigation method it is therefore possible to distinguish between changes of the fluctuation term or structure factor S ( 9 ) and changes of molecular weights of scattering aggregates.