Four analogues of LH-RH modified in position 5 have been synthesized using either classical procedures or the solid phase method. The gonadotropin-releasing activities were dctcrmined by radioimmunological measurements of LH and FSH in vivo and in vitro and the immunoreactivities by a specific LH-RH radioimmunoassay (RIA). The following relative potencics and irnmunorcnctivities were found :Part of this work was prcscnted at the I X Acta Endocrinologica Congress, Oslo, 17th-21th June, 1973 [1]. 2132 HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA -Vol. 57, Fax. 7 (1974) -Nr. 232 structural changes could yield substances competing with endogenous LH-KH at the pituitary binding sites, acting thus as inhibitors of the release of either LH or FSH or both. Structure-activity studies in the field of oxytocin [4], lysine-vasopressin [ 5 ] , bradykinin [6] and angiotensin [7] suggest that chemically reactive groups are involved in the interaction of a hormone with its receptor sites. Since modification of tyrosine in oxytocin had led to a partial inhibitor, we were interested in studying the effects of LH-RH analogues similarly altered. We therefore syn-[Gly5]-LH-RH was prepared by solid phase synthesis according to the general procedure of Merrifield [8] [9] using dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) as coupling agent and the t-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) group as amino protecting group for all amino acids except pyroglutamic acid. The latter was introduced in the form of its pentachlorophenylester. The side chain functional group of serine was protected by the benzyl group, that of histidine by the dinitrophenyl group and that of arginine by the nitro group. The protected decapeptide was cleaved from the resin by transesterification [lo]. Subsequent treatment with liquid H F [ll], followed by ainmonolysis and purification, yielded pure [Gly5]-LH-RH. The synthesis of [Phe5]-LH-RH was carried out by condensation of the central tetrapeptide Boc-Ser(Bz1)-Phe-Gly-Leu-OH with the C-terminal tripeptide H-L4rg(N0,)-Pro-Gly-NH, [12-151 by means of DCC. The resulting heptapeptide was treated with trifluoroacetic acid and coupled to the N-terminal tripeptide pGlu-His-Trp-OH [16] by means of DCC. The central tetrapeptide was prepared by stepwise elongation of H-Gly-Leu-OMe [17] with Boc-Phe-OH [18] and then with Boc-Ser(Bz1)-OH [19] using the DCC method.[Tyr(Me)5l1-LH-RH was prepared according to the same procedure using Boc-Tyr(Me)-OH instead of Boc-Phe-OH. The protecting groups of both resulting decapeptidarnides were removed by liquid HF.The synthesis of [Cha5]-LH-RH was carried out by coupling the N-terminal tripeptide pGlu-His-Trp-OH to the central tripeptide H-Ser(But)-Cha-Gly-OEt by means of DCC. The resulting hexapeptidester was transformed into its hydrazide and coupled via azide to the C-terminal tetrapeptide H-Leu-Arg(Tos)-Pro-Gly-NH, [ZO] [all. To obtain the central tripeptide, 2-Cha-OH was coupled with H-Gly-OEt to the corresponding dipeptide, which, after hydrogenation, was elongated with 2-Ser(But)-OH to the fully protected tripeptidester. Hydrog...