With regard to studies on production process variants designed to improve the nutritive value of rapeseed meal, the authors describe the principles underlying the modified diffusion extraction procedures used (with and without rapeseed husking). Furthermore, they briefly outline the chemical methods applied to the determination of the nutrient composition and glucosinolate content of rapeseed meal variants as well as the methodology of their feeding and nitrogen balance experiments on growing albino rats and broilers. The results obtained with 13 analytical variants and 8 biological variants confirm once more the beneficial nutritive effects obtained with the reduction of the glucosinolate content of rapeseed meal in monogastric animal species. However, these results do not permit to appraise unequivocally the repercussion of rapeseed husking on the diminution of the content of paraplastic substances in rapeseed meal. The diffusion techniques used for reducing the glucosinolate content in rapeseed meal have been found to be effective.