The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) bchaviour of aluminium alloy sheet was investigated in the long transverse direction using the slow strain rate testing technique. The synthetic environment used was an aqueous solution of 3% NaCl + 0.3% H202. No indications of SCC sensitivity are observed for the alloys 2024-T351, 8090-T81. and 2091 CPHK-T8X. The alloys 209f-TEX and 6061-T4 are found to be susceptible to intergranular stress corrosion cracking. At strain rates below 4 . s-l. the slow strain rate testing tcchnique indicates a slight SCC sensitivity with alloy 6013-T6. Fractography revcals transgranular stress corrosion cracking. Transgranular stress corrosion cracking is also observed with 6061-T4 spccimens which are dynamically strained at strain rates below 5 . s-I, Aqueous 3% NaCl solution with hydrogen peroxide addition promotes pitting and intergranular corrosion. The loss of ductility caused by these corrosion processes interferes with the evaluation of the results of the slow strain rate testing technique.
Das SpannungsriBkorrosionsverhalten vonBlechmaterial verschicdener Aluminiumlegierungen wurde in langer Querrichtung mittels der Prufung mit langsamer Dehnrate untersucht. Als korrosive Umgcbung wurde eine waBrige Losung von 3% NaCl + 0,3% H202 benutzt. Die Prufung mit langsamer Dehnrate liefert fur die Legierungen 2024-T351. 809O-TS1 iind 2091 CPHK-TSX keinen Hinweis auf eine SpannungsriRkorrosionsempfindlichkcit .