2-Deoxy-ct-glycosides of oleonane type triterpene alcohols and deoxycholic acid were synthesized by glycosylation with glycal acetates in the presence of iodonium dicollidine perchlorate followed by deiodination and deprotection.Key words: triterpene alcohols, deoxycholic acid. glycal acetates, iodonium dicotlidine perchlorate, stereoselective g[ycosylation, 2-deoxy-ct-glycosides.Earlier we have performed a stereoselective synthesis of 2-deoxy-a-D-arabino-hexopyranosides of triter~ene alcohols of the oleonane series using D-gtycal triacetate as the gtycosyl donor and iodine-containing promoters --N-iodosuccinimide (NIS) l and iodonium dicollidine perchlorate (IDCP). z 2,6-Dideoxy-a-L-arabino-hexopyranoside of glycyrrhetic acid, which is an analog of natural triterpene glycoside, glycyrrhizic acid, have been synthesized by glycosylation of methyl ester of 1813-glycyrrbetic acid (GLA) (the major biologically active triterpenoid of the extract of licorice roots) with di-O-acetyl-L-rhamnal in the presence of NIS and IDCP. 3 The same promoters were successfully used for the synthesis of steroid 2-deoxy-a-glycosides and oligosaccharides. 4,5In a continuation of our studies we extended a number of biologically active triterpenes and steroid alcohols used and carried out giycosylation of methyl esters of 18a-(la), II-deoxo-(lb), and 18,19-dehydroglycyrrhetic acids (le) with di-O-acetyl-u-rhamnal (2) and acetylcholic acid methyl ester (ld) with tri-O-acetyI-t~-glucal (3) in the presence of IDCP.The triterpene 2,6-dideoxy-2-iodoglycosides (4a--c) and steroid 2-deoxy-2-iodoglycoside (4d), obtained in high yields, underwent deiodination in the presence of 10% Pd/C to give glycosides 5a--d. Mild deacetylation of glycosides 5a---d yielded the target triterpene 2,6-dideoxy-ct-L-arabino-hexopyranosides (6a--c) and 2-deoxy-e,-c)-arabino-hexopyranoside of deoxycholic acid (6d) (Scheme t).