Die Quellung monodisperser PVC/E-Partikeln im Weichmacher DOP wird rnit einer Reihe unabhangiger Methoden untersucht. Auf Grundlage eines einfachen Diffusionsmodells werden aus viskosimetrisch an verduniiten Dispersionen bestimmten Quellungskurven Koeffizienten fur die Diffusion des Weichmachers in die PVC-Partikeln berechnet. Elektronenmikroskopische, Rontgen-und Lichtstreuuntersuchungen sowie eine l~eschriehene Druckfiltrationsmethode liefern zusatzlicbe ilngaben zum Diffusionsmechanismus. Xapanmepucmutca nopouucoe u n~acmuaoxeii u3 I7BX. 10.-oe coo6qenue. 3mnepuaenma.mnbae peayfibmambi o ~exanuame ~a 6 y x a n u~ qacmuy IIBX e nJtacmu$uzamope H 3 y Y e H O ~a b y x a~~e MOHOAHCIIepCHbIX rIaCT14u 3MYJIbCHOHHOrO nBx B IIJIaCTM@MKaTOpe no@ PHAOM He3aBHCH-MbIX MeTOAOB. Ha OCHOBe IlpOCTOn $(lt@@Y3HOHHOfT MOAeJlll paCCYMTaHh1 M3 BHCK03HMeTpMqeCKHX KpMBJdX H a 6 y X a H H H , TpOHHO-MHKpOCKOnaYeCKHe HCCJIeJ(OBaHMH, PeHTreHOBCKAB MeTOA, CBeTOpaCCeHHHe l4 1 1 0~p 0 6~0 OIIllCaHHblfT MeTOA @l4JIbTpaqHEi n O A AaBJIeHAeM AaIoT ~OnOJIHHTeJIbHbIe AaHHhIe 0 AH@l$Y3MOHHOM MeXaHI13Me.
On the characterization of PVC-powders and plastisols. 10th. Cotnrn. Experimental results on the swelling mechanism of PVC-particles in plasticizersThe swelling of monodisperse PVC/E-particles in DOP plasticizer has been investigated by several independent methods. Based on a simple diffusion model, coefficients for the diffusion of plasticizer into PVC-particles were calculated from swelling curves, estimated by viscosimetry of diluted dispersions. Electron microscopic, X-ray and light scattering investigations as well as a described compression filtration method provide additional information on the diffusion mechanism.