This article presents a new solution for easing the development of reconfigurable applications using Field-Programable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Namely, our Reliable Reconfigurable Real-Time Operating System (R3TOS) provides OS-like support for partially reconfigurable FPGAs. Unlike related works, R3TOS is founded on the basis of resource reusability and computation ephemerality. It makes intensive use of reconfiguration at very fine FPGA granularity, keeping the logic resources used only while performing computation and releasing them as soon as it is completed. To achieve this goal, R3TOS goes beyond the traditional approach of using reconfigurable slots with fixed boundaries interconnected by means of a static communication infrastructure. Instead, R3TOS approaches a static route free system where nearly everything is reconfigurable. The tasks are concatenated to form a computation chain through which partial results naturally flow, and data is exchanged among remotely located tasks using FPGA's reconfiguration mechanism or by means of "removable" routing circuits. In this article, we describe the R3TOS microkernel architecture as well as its hardware abstraction services and programming interface. Notably, the article presents a set of novel circuits and mechanisms to overcome the limitations and exploit the opportunities of Xilinx reconfigurable technology in the scope of hardware multitasking and dependability.