In this work, an improved understanding of electron sheath theory is provided using both fluid and kinetic approaches while elaborating on their implications for plasma-surface interaction. A fluid model is proposed considering the electron presheath structure, avoiding the singularity in electron sheath Child-Langmuir law which overestimates the sheath potential. Subsequently, the kinetic model of electron sheath is established, showing considerably different sheath profiles in respect to the fluid model due to non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution function and finite ion temperature. The kinetic model is then further generalized involving a more realistic truncated ion velocity distribution function. It is demonstrated that such distribution function yields a super-thermal electron sheath whose entering velocity at sheath edge is greater than the Bohm criterion prediction. Furthermore, an attempt is made to describe the electron presheath-sheath coupling within the kinetic framework, showing a necessary compromise between realistic sheath entrance and the inclusion of kinetic effects. Finally, the secondary electron emission induced by sheath-accelerated plasma electrons in electron sheath are analyzed, the influence of backscattering is discussed as well.