Rantau Baru Village is a fishermen's traditional village located on the banks of the Kampar River. Because of the fish season and declining fish population, the fishermen's economy is currently unstable. In addition, the natural disasters caused by massive floods in the last 10 years, specifically also affected the fisherman's welfare. This study aimed to evaluate the ecological, social, and economic aspects of Rantau Baru Village before formulating an ecosocio-educational model in environmental management for the local fishing community. The research was performed through field observation and interviews. Eco-socio-education sustainability in environmental management was analyzed based on the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) approach using the Rapid Assessment Technique for Fisheries (RAPFISH) program. An eco-socio-educational model was based on important variables in the Leverage of Attributes analysis. The eco-socio-educational model applied to environmental aspects, namely forest reforestation counseling, landscape rehabilitation, and environmentally friendly fishing gear; to social aspects, namely healthy living behavior, education on types of diseases, improvement of health facilities such as the provision of clean water, drinking water, and adequate public sanitation; to economic aspects, training and mentoring to business actors or micro small and medium enterprises, starting to introduce the development of ecotourism and fisheries tourism.