In situ neoplasm (or Carcinoma in situ (CIS)) is expression of malignant epithelial cells. This flat lesion is referred to as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). Considering neoplasm leads one to an effectiveness survival analysis compared to the case that neoplasm is not attended. The objective of this research is to analyze statistically survival of invasive breast cancer patients considering 1) with in situ neoplasm, and 2) without in situ neoplasm, and providing a comparative analysis. This study attempts to reveal that the both medical history (such as diabetes, hypertension, and internal glands disorders such as hypo-and hyperthyroidism) and extra capsular extension play important roles in the hazard function of a patient's survival analysis. This statistical study indicates that 1) the survival rate of breast cancer patients with in situ neoplasm is more than one who is not initially supported by invasive carcinoma, and 2) in the case of existence of the both in situ neoplasm and invasive malignancy, after the 4 th year, the life expectancy is increased compared to the one with only invasive malignant. The statistical analysis indicates that pathology type is recognized as a high hazard factor for a breast cancer patient.