The sum of the effects of all negative factors on the human body is manifested, including in the form of an imbalance in the work of the immune system, which leads to a violation of the recognition and elimination of foreign substances of the most diverse origin. This is manifested in an increase in the frequency of development of inflammatory processes, the risk of their chronicity and the development of complications, the identification of opportunistic or conditionally pathogenic flora as a pathogen, including those with atypical biological properties and antibiotic resistance. The use of etiotropic chemotherapy alone in the treatment does not allow achieving sufficient control over many infectious diseases. The purpose of this review was to investigate additional, alternative approaches to influencing anti-infective immunity. An analysis of the strategy based on the use of modulation of the immune response in the treatment of patients was carried out and its advantages over traditional antimicrobial treatment were determined. The concept of «immunotherapy» is discussed, which implies a variety of effects on the immune system in order to stop the pathological process. The review highlights the main types of immunotherapy - local, general, combined and monoimmunotherapy, as well as active and passive, specific and nonspecific. The review provides convincing data on the need for immunomodulators to meet a number of requirements, analyzes various ways of classifying them and their areas of application. The necessity of using immunotropic drugs on the basis of a comprehensive examination is emphasized, taking into account the correspondence between the nature of clinical manifestations and the severity of changes in immunological parameters. The analyzed data allow us to conclude that immunomodulatory therapy can be used to restore the function of the immune system to the physiological norm after a severe inflammatory process at the stage of immunorehabilitation.