Fifth generation (5G) and beyond fifth generation (B5G) networks are expected to provide more energy efficiency, spectral efficiency, and very high data rate with minimum latency to an ultradense environment. To meet the requirements of 5G and B5G standards, the network infrastructure can be network‐centric approach where the network is modified with respect to new radio signals and waveforms. The other approach is device centric where the existing network infrastructure can be efficiently utilized. Device‐to‐Device (D2D) communication is a key technique in device centric approach that supports 5G and B5G networks. We propose a Sequential Best Throughput Seek Algorithm (SBTSA), to compute the interference threshold for each Cellular User Equipment (CUE), and optimum resource blocks (RBs) are assigned to D2D pairs which provide best throughput to D2D pairs without affecting the Quality of Service (QoS) of the CUEs. The transmit power is optimized using genetic algorithm (GA) to effectively handle the interference between cellular users and D2D pairs. Proposed algorithm is compared with existing methods, and best results are obtained in terms of system throughput, battery utilization and energy efficiency.