The activities of genetically defined amino-and endopeptidases of maize were compared in pericarp, endosperm, and embryonic tissue of the maize kernel from 5 days postpollination until harvest. Activities were highest in the immature stages and declined as drying progressed. The expression of some of the peptidase genes contributed by the pollen parent was examined during early endosperm development in an F1 cross. The paternaly contributed peptidase variants could first be detected 7 days after pollination.During germination and early seedlng growth the peptidase activities continued to decline in the endosperm but maintained high levels in the scutelium. The maize peptidases probably have no direct role in hydrolysis of endosperm storage proteins during germination and growth.The peptidase isozymes were associated with the soluble cytoplasmic fraction of the maize scutelum during early growth. Only one tissue specificity was found for the peptidases. Occurrence of a particular aminopeptidase isozyme, AMP2, is limited to endosperm tissue during kernel maturation.Developmental studies of peptidases in Zea mays were undertaken in order to elucidate possible physiological functions of these enzymes. The work reported here is part of a larger project to characterize the peptidases with respect to genetic control, developmental occurrence, biochemical properties, and physiological function. Limited proteolysis serves as a control mechanism in the activation of zymogens and in other posttranslational modifications. Proteases and peptidases are of course involved in protein turnover, mobilization of protein reserves, and senescence.The genetic bases of maize peptidases have been reported previously. Aminopeptidase (AMP) variation is coded by four structural genes-Amp], Amp2, Amp3, and Amp4-each having two or more allelic variants (18). Maize endopeptidase (ENP) is the product of a single genetic locus, Enpl, which has five known allelic variants (14). Purification procedures, molecular weights, substrate specificities, and other biochemical properties of the maize peptidases have also been reported elsewhere (17,25).Briefly, the peptidases all have slightly alkaline pH optima in the range 7.5 to 8.2 and isoelectric pH values from 4.0 to 4.5. The mol wt of endopeptidase is 55,000 and aminopeptidases range from 63,000 to 70,000.