This study aims to determine the necessary parameters to ensure sustainable conservation in the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage and create a decision-making model. This study included the selection of the sample industrial heritage, determining the necessary parameters, percentage frequency analysis (PFA) of the industrial heritages in relation to the parameters, interpreting the percentage frequency results by comparing them, and developing the decision-making model. The decisions of the architectural heritage conservation organizations ICOMOS, TICCIH, and UNESCO were used to determine the conservation parameters. The reuse parameters were determined based on sustainability principles, since the adaptive reuse of historical buildings is also the subject of sustainability. The obtained parameters were converted to percentage values after being made numerically significant by two different percentage frequency analyses: conservation and reuse. Each sample used in the model was considered successful in various sources, rewarded, and praised in the literature and media. If we accept 50% as an average value, there are only four industrial heritages which are over 50% for the conservation percentage frequency analysis, but there are nine industrial heritages which are over 50% for the reuse percentage frequency analysis. On the other hand, it is written in the article that the aim is to catch 100%. Therefore, maybe it can be said that we cannot only conserve, but also fail to use. The model developed in this study will serve as a guide in establishing the conservation –use balance of project decisions as well as in objectively evaluating current practices.