In the last two decades of the 21st-century residential real estate development in the municipality of Malang has increased rapidly. The urban fringe has chosen for the development location because of the availability of vacant land, and the situation in this area is not too crowded. The lower land value makes the urban fringe feasible to be developed as a residential real estate area. Tunggulwulung is one of the urban fringes in the Lowokwaru sub-district, and this location is not too far from Lowokwaru downtown. This area is strategic for the development of residential areas. To find out the pattern and characteristics of the real estate residential development process, we need a morphological study. The periodization of morphological study limitations on this study is from 2003 to 2019. Through this research, we will know the trend and culture of real estate development in the urban fringe, especially at Tunggulwulung urban village. From the study, we know that the new residential real estate development in this location increased significantly in 2006-2011. The pattern trend of the residential form is linear and compact forms, and the shape is square, rectangular-shape, fanshaped, and unpatterned shapes. The largest residential real estate that had been developed was Permata Jingga. Furthermore, the new formal settlement has developed on several intercity roads. The most rapidly developed area in this location is in the southeastern region, and it caused by near distance from the central business area, it is the urban culture of the metropolitan city in Indonesia that new residential area was developed at near the downtown and intercity roads. The increasing value of residential real estate land areas between 2003 until 2019 was 112.8%. Today, 52.3% of the total area in Tunggulwung urban village was developed as a residential area.