Streaming anime has become a popular pastime for Japanese animation lovers around the world. One anime streaming platform that can be used is the Bstation Mobile Application. The Bstation Mobile application is a streaming service that provides various kinds of anime series. To create a good user experience, it is necessary to evaluate the usability of the Bstation Mobile application to determine user satisfaction and identify problems experienced by users such as the translation often goes missing in the middle of videos, the translation that appears delayed, and other bugs found by users. Therefore, a usability evaluation and user experience evaluation was carried out to find out feedback from users using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) methods. Testing was carried out with 100 responses from Bstation Mobile users. Based on the test results, the average SUS score is 75.1%. Testing on UEQ shows positive assessment results for aspects of Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation, and neutral ratings for aspects of Novelty. This indicates that the Bstation Mobile application is quite good, but still need an improvements to made the application is more optimal for use. The recommendations are given as guidance for the app's development and improvement based on the testing results to address any identified issues.