EMMANUEL, B., Howano, B. R. eNo Eueov, M. 1976. Urea degradation in the camel. Can. J. Anim. .Following a single injection of rnC-urea, the kinetics of urea metabolism have been studied in two female Arabian camels (Camelus dromedarizs) fed roughage diets containing 6.1 (diet A), 9.6 (diet B), and 13.6vc (diet C) crude protein. In general, plasma urea concentration, urea pool size, urea entry rate and urinary urea excretion rate increased as the dietary nitrogen intake increased. The mean extents of urea degradation were approximateiy 86, 7 4 and 47 %' for diets A, B , and C , respectively, as calculated from the ratio of urea degradation rate to urea entry rate, or from the fraction of rt-urea recovered in the urine. The following parameters were linearly related: urea entry rate and urea pool size, urea pool size and plasma urea concentration, percentage urea degraded and urea entry rate, and percentage urea degraded and crude protein intake.Les auteurs ont observ6, aprds injection simple d'urde marqude au raC, la cin6tique du m6tabolisme de I'ur6e chez deux dromadaires femelles (Camelus dromedarius) recevant des rations de fourrage grossier contenant, dans l'ordre, 6.