Many of the metabolic pathways of liver mitochondria are Benzoic acid metabolism, which is primarily a funcessential not only for the function of the liver but for the tion of liver mitochondria, depending on the concentrawhole organism. Examples of vital hepatic mitochondrial tion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), coenzyme A (CoA), functions include the first steps in gluconeogenesis, amino and glycine in the mitochondrial matrix, was investiacid metabolism, urea synthesis, and b-oxidation of fatty gated in both rats with long-term cholestasis caused by acids. A partial or complete loss of some of these functions bile duct ligation (BDL) and sham-operated control humans or experimental animals with liver disease may In isolated liver mitochondria, hippurate production therefore be critical for prognosis and survival. Some mitofrom benzoate in the presence of saturating glycine conchondrial functions have been investigated and proposed to centrations was reduced in BDL rats by 36% with L-glube useful as liver function tests in patients or animals with tamate as a source for ATP, by 21% in the presence of liver disease. For instance, Michaletz et al. described a breath succinate, and by 31% in the presence of ATP plus oligotest that measures the decarboxylation of a-ketoisocaproic mycine. This reduction in benzoate metabolism is in the acid, the first metabolite of leucine. 1 Assessment of a-ketoisosame range as the previously observed reduction in the caproic acid decarboxylation has been shown to reflect heactivity of the electron transport chain in liver mitopatic mitochondrial function in rats treated with the mitochondria from BDL rats. The mitochondrial CoA pool, chondrial toxin 4-pentenoic acid 1 and in alcoholics with or which can be rate-limiting for benzoic acid metabolism, without cirrhosis. 2 Similarily, urea production from infused was not different between BDL and control rats. The amino acids has been shown to be decreased in patients and activity of benzoyl-CoA synthase, the enzyme catalyzing experimental animals with cirrhosis and to reflect the functhe rate-limiting step in benzoate metabolism, was retional liver cell mass. [3][4][5] The arterial b-hydroxybutyrate/aceduced by 25%, and the activity of benzoyl-CoA:glycine toacetate ratio, which is an indicator of the hepatic NADH/ N-transferase was reduced by 66% in BDL rats. The ac-NAD ratio and therefore of the function of the electron transtivity of benzoyl-CoA synthase was significantly inhibport chain in liver mitochondria, 6 has been proposed to reflect ited by lithocholate, suggesting that hepatic accumulaliver function and to be of prognostic significance in pation of hydrophobic bile acids could contribute to the tients 7,8 and in experimental animals with cirrhosis.
7,9observed reduction of benzoate metabolism in BDL rats. The metabolism of benzoic acid (benzoate) has been shown Benzoate metabolism was also studied in vivo by monito be decreased in rats with fatty liver caused by long-term toring the urinary hippurate excretion af...