To determine the endogenous contribution of purine derivatives (PD) to renal excretion and the urinary recovery of duodenal purine bases (PB), five dairy Granadina goats (initial weight 6 s.e.: 38.6 6 2.78 kg) were each fitted with a duodenal infusion catheter. Animals were offered ad libitum a mixed diet (75 : 25; alfalfa hay : concentrate), which was supplied in equal portions every 3 h. To label microbial PB, ( 15 NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 was added to the concentrate. The lower enrichment of urinary PD ( 15 N-allantoin) compared with duodenal PB enrichment confirmed the presence of an endogenous PD fraction (268.5 6 21.98 mmol/kg weight 0.75 or 0.386 of the total PD excretion). The recovery of PD in urine and milk increased linearly in response to increasing amounts of duodenally infused RNA (starting on day 21 after parturition). On average, 0.74 of infused PB from RNA was recovered in urine. Milk PD constituted a minor (,0.01) fraction of the total PD excretion and this fraction decreased as the amount of infused PB increased. Our findings indicate that lactation in goats did not affect the urinary recovery of duodenal PB but increased the endogenous contribution to urinary excretion of PD.