DOI: 10.1039/c3ay40543e
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Urine adulteration: can bleach be used to mask MDMA use?

Abstract: Concerns regarding specimen integrity have long been a major issue of urine drug testing due to acts of urine adulteration. At a high concentration, in vitro urine adulteration using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) produced false-negative results for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in CEDIA â immunoassay screening with strong negative readings. However, these strong negative readings may act as a warning sign for further investigation of the sample where the detection of a unique marker in the form of N-… Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(17 citation statements)
References 13 publications
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“…[16][17][18] Most of the literature regarding the effects of these oxidizing agents on immunoassay analysis primarily focuses on the capability of oxidizing agents to decrease drug/metabolite concentration and the mechanisms behind their ability to alter either the immunoassay or the urine matrix, or oxidize and destroy the drugs/metabolites. [16][17][18] Most of the literature regarding the effects of these oxidizing agents on immunoassay analysis primarily focuses on the capability of oxidizing agents to decrease drug/metabolite concentration and the mechanisms behind their ability to alter either the immunoassay or the urine matrix, or oxidize and destroy the drugs/metabolites.…”
Section: Effects Of Adulterants On Elisa Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…[16][17][18] Most of the literature regarding the effects of these oxidizing agents on immunoassay analysis primarily focuses on the capability of oxidizing agents to decrease drug/metabolite concentration and the mechanisms behind their ability to alter either the immunoassay or the urine matrix, or oxidize and destroy the drugs/metabolites. [16][17][18] Most of the literature regarding the effects of these oxidizing agents on immunoassay analysis primarily focuses on the capability of oxidizing agents to decrease drug/metabolite concentration and the mechanisms behind their ability to alter either the immunoassay or the urine matrix, or oxidize and destroy the drugs/metabolites.…”
Section: Effects Of Adulterants On Elisa Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[16][17][18] Most of the literature regarding the effects of these oxidizing agents on immunoassay analysis primarily focuses on the capability of oxidizing agents to decrease drug/metabolite concentration and the mechanisms behind their ability to alter either the immunoassay or the urine matrix, or oxidize and destroy the drugs/metabolites. [16][17][18]30 Similarly, Drano® contains sodium hypochlorite along with sodium hydroxide, both of which are strong oxidizers. [16][17][18]30 Similarly, Drano® contains sodium hypochlorite along with sodium hydroxide, both of which are strong oxidizers.…”
Section: Effects Of Adulterants On Elisa Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The higher tampering rate (0.87%) in preemployment/workplace current research specimens compared to that from the United States (0.15%) may be attributed to that most of the investigated cases were pre-employment 90.3% with long preparatory chance to perform the tampering procedure. samples delivered to toxicology laboratory for drug abuse testing were diluted (creatinine <4 mmol/L) [16].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[6][7][8] These adulterants act by either interfering with immunoassay procedures or by converting the target drugs to other compounds. [11][12][13][14] In the present study we report isolation and characterisation of new oxidation products formed from the reaction of potassium permanganate with testosterone applying normal phase chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). We have reported that some popular oxidizing adulterants can selectively and significantly reduce the absolute concentrations of certain endogenous steroids in human urine and yet maintain steroid ratios within the acceptable population-based ranges.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%