Objective: To determine vitamin C intakes among adults and to identify differences in dietary intake associated with vitamin C consumption. Design: This cross-sectional study compared vitamin C intake, nutrient intake, and food group choices of adults with low (`30 mgad), marginal (30 ± 60 mgad), and desirable ( b 60 mgad) vitamin C intakes. Subjects: Data from 2472 men and 2334 women aged 25 ± 75 y were obtained from the 1994 ± 1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII). Results: Overall, 18% of the sample had low vitamin C intakes, 24% had marginal intakes, and 58% had desirable intakes. In addition to consuming less vitamin C, adults with low vitamin C intakes consumed signi®cantly less (P 0.001) energy-adjusted (ie nutrienta1000 kcal) folate, ®ber, b-carotene, and vitamin B 6 , and signi®cantly more (P`0.001) fat. Compared to adults with low intakes, adults with desirable vitamin C intakes consumed signi®cantly more (P 0.001) high-vitamin C fruit juice and low-vitamin C vegetables, while consuming signi®cantly less (P 0.009) soft drinks, coffeeatea and alcoholic beverages. On average, adults with desirable vitamin C intakes consumed more than ®ve daily servings of vegetables and fruits, of which more than one was citrus. Adults with low and marginal vitamin C intakes consumed less than one-®fth of a serving of citrus. Conclusions: A considerable number of adults under-consume vitamin C and total vegetables and fruits. Nutritionists should continue to promote ®ve to nine daily servings of vegetables and fruits, at least one of which should be rich in vitamin C.