Leather puppets represent a part of Javanese culture owned by the Javanese community that deserves to be preserved. The leather puppet module began to be introduced to third grade elementary school students. Leather puppet is one of the basic competencies that is poorly understood by the majority of students because it is considered not easy to learn from its name or form. Therefore, to overcome the above problems, an educational innovation is needed by utilizing augmented reality technology. With this application, it is hoped that students can be helped in mastering the leather puppet character module in Javanese language lessons. The leather puppet education application is made by utilizing the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method with augmented reality development is marker based tracking. The output of this application is that the application will show a video on the smartphone screen containing an educational module for introducing leather puppet characters. In the black box test results get a percentage of 96.7%, camera distance testing gets 64% results, camera angle testing gets 80% results, light intensity testing gets 100% results. On the results of usability testing, the kawanda application gets an adjective rating of 76, 15 with the type of Good, gets grade scale results with type B, and gets acceptability ranges with acceptable types.