This article represents an extended version of the respective paper (Kadenko & Tsyganok, 2020), presented at the International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP-2020). The key additions to the original conference paper include: elaborated description of several versions of combinatorial method, motivational examples, and results of the authors' most recent research on the subject.The best way to evaluate alternative decision options according to intangible criteria, that cannot be numerically described, is to compare them among themselves. This suggestion, made and empirically confirmed by Tom Saaty and his followers (Saaty, 1980(Saaty, , 1996, provided the basis for a whole family of AHP/ANP expert evaluation methods. These methods are widely used by decision-makers around the world. AHP/ANP application domains cover almost all spheres of human activity (as we can see from proceedings of multiple editions of