“…Accordingly,akey aspect of the development of improved swabs and swabbing protocols for explosives detection involves understanding the mechanisms of adhesive/cohesive failure within the energetic residue as it is removed from as urface.Composition C-4 is comprised of 91 %c yclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) with 9% polymeric binder. Current military specifications for RDX list ranges of particle diameters from < 44 mmt o< 2000 mm [ 1,2].D ue in part to this wide range of particle diameters, variability existsr egarding the size of particles encounteredi nC -4 during swipe sampling [3][4][5][6][7].N otably,t he size of particles deposited by at humbprinto nasurface of interest has not been fully evaluated, and the ability to recreate as tandard print is also lacking [3][4][5][6][7].Robust trace explosives samplingt echniques also have yet to be firmly established [3].F or IMS, certain standards apply:as wab must effectively removes olid particulates from as urface, withstandt emperatures up to 300 8Ca se mployed by the IMS, and be affordable [3,4].M ost current studies consider eitherc loth or Te flon-coated fiberglass swabs [3][4][5][6][7].Anumber of parameters have not been successfullyc ontrolled during the development of an optimal wiping technique [6].V ariability existsi nt he applied force during swiping, the surface area covered, the swab material, the roughness of the swab and substrate materials, the swipe velocity,a nd the number of times as wab may be reused before it is discarded [3,6,7].S tudies by Verkouteren et al claim that the critical parameters in determining removale fficiency are applied load and the translational force requiredt oo vercome the frictional resistance at the swipe-substrate interface to maintain ac onstants wiping velocity [3]. They also note ad irect linear correlation between increaseda pplied forceo fs wiping and particle removal efficiency [3,5,6].W hile Verkouteren et al indicate as wipe speedo f0 .7 cm s À1 in their studies, the Environ-mentalP rotection Agency indicates swipe sampling speeds [a] M.Abstract:I nt he most common approacht od etect trace explosives at security checkpoints, any i...…”