Transportation is extremely important in society's day-to-day operations. A major portion of the working class in most cities go to work and school regularly. Commuting can be used for a variety of reasons, including relaxation, dining out, and other activities. Land transportation, which includes the use of both individual and commercial cars, is the most frequent mode of transportation in North Cyprus, particularly in emerging cities... Commercial transportation, on the other hand, has a significant cost benefit over having a personal vehicle. Taxis are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in the cities of Nicosia, Famagusta, and Karenina. Before, the institutions providing such services were unable to reach as many people as they would have liked, particularly in rural areas. Given the widespread use of smartphones in this area, there is an urgency to reach more customers while taking care of the existing ones. Some businesses in North Cyprus have implemented mobile applications to be used by their consumers, but North Cab Taxi is still a work in progress. Instead, the company uses a Web-based cab reservation system. North Cab has realized the necessity for a smartphone version of its cab booking service for it to keep a competitive step above its competition.