This research was conducted in several springs and underground rivers in Gunung Sewu karst areas, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta and karst area of Tuban, East Java. The objective of this research is to determine the level of karstification in some springs and underground rivers in the two karst areas by using the available data of hydrograph recession.This research uses an inductive survey method, namely by installing two water level recording devices within Petoyan and Ngerong Springs during the period of 6 months in order to obtain the flood hydrograph data at the beginning, middle, and end of the rainy season. In addition, secondary hydrograph data from several underground rivers and karst springs were used from Toto Cave, Seropan Cave, Beton Spring, Gilap Cave, Ngreneng Cave, and Bribin Cave. Furthermore, the karstification level calculation was performed by using the formula developed by Malik and Vojtkova (2012) to spatially describe the level of karst aquifer development.The calculation of karstification degree by using some selected data of flood recession confirms the lowest value of 3.7 (in Petoyan Spring) to the highest value of 7.7 in Bribin River. The value of 3.7 (lowest) indicates the combination of two or more sub-regimes with merely laminar flow characterized by different discharge coefficients, with irregularly developed aquifer of fissure network, with majority of open macro-fissures, also with possible presence of karst conduits in extreme condition. Meanwhile, the value of 7.7 indicates highly developed karstification of the aquifer, formed by large open conduits (karst channels). Substantial role in groundwater discharge is played by subregimes with turbulent flow, while sub-regime with laminar flow is less significant. Furthermore, the general degree of karstification in the Gunung Sewu has been at a level which is more developed than in the karst region of Rengel, except those found in Petoyan Spring, which is located in the western part of Gunung Sewu karst region, which has karstification level in the beginning level with undeveloped type of turbulent flow.