“…Stem cells, which are self-renewing and considered the most primordial and least committed cells offer significant promise for treating perinatal brain injury (Kennea and Mehmet, 2004;Santner-Nanan et al, 2005;Vawda et al, 2007;Ikeda, 2008;de Paula et al, 2010; given their anti-inflammatory (Li et al, 2005;Murphy et al, 2010;Kim et al, 2012), trophic (van Velthoven et al, 2012Fu et al, 2017), and regenerative (Ilancheran et al, 2007;van Velthoven et al, 2010;Donega et al, 2014) capabilities. Indeed, neonatal models of hypoxic brain injury using different stem cell types support their therapeutic utility (van Velthoven et al, 2010(van Velthoven et al, , 2012Kim et al, 2012;Donega et al, 2014) and presently there are several adult stroke clinical trials underway (e.g., clinical trials registry numbers: NCT02605707, NCT01151124, NCT04434768, NCT02980354).…”