An eleven-year-old, 3-kg, intact female Maltese was presented for depression, anorexia and dyspnoea. Thoracic radiographs showed right-side pleural effusion, a vesicular emphysema pattern and consolidation of the right middle lung lobe. A presumptive diagnosis of lung lobe torsion (LLT) in the right middle lobe was made using a computed tomography scan. Thoracoscopic exploration was performed without one-lung ventilation in the right hemithorax. Pleural fluid and engorgement of the torsed lung lobe were observed. A total lung lobectomy of the right middle lung lobe was performed with a thoracoscopic-assisted procedure using hem-o-lok clips applied to the hilus. The dog was discharged three days after surgery, and no recurrence of the clinical signs of disease related to the respiratory system was observed during the follow-up time period of six months. Based on these findings, we conclude that thoracoscopic-assisted lung lobectomy using hem-o-lok clips is a minimally invasive surgical alternative to thoracotomy and successful operative intervention for lung lesions in small breed dogs.