Background Depressive symptoms and myalgia are commonly seen in patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C. Objective To investigate the effi cacy of acupuncture treatment on depressive symptoms and myalgia in patients with hepatitis. Methods Of 44 patients with hepatitis screened for depression and myalgia, 28 were enrolled and included in the study. The main outcome measure for depressive symptoms was Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI). For pain/myalgia, patients rated their pain on a scale from 0 to 10. Patients with a score greater than the cut-off point in either score were allocated to acupuncture treatment. The Chinese method of acupuncture was used. Treatment continued for 6 weeks. Results At baseline, 17/44 patients (39%) had a BDI score ≥17 and 24 (55%) had a pain score ≥5. A total of 28 patients were allocated to acupuncture treatment, forming three groups: group 1, 13 patients with high BDI and high myalgia scores; group 2, 11 patients with low BDI score but high myalgia score; group 3, 4 patients with high BDI score but low myalgia score. Adherence to treatment was good; all patients completed the sessions and there were no drop-outs. Signifi cant improvements in end-treatment BDI and in myalgia scores compared with baseline levels was found. Conclusion Acupuncture seems to be a promising treatment for patients with hepatitis. Further studies are warranted in large populations to establish the therapeutic role of acupuncture.
INTRODUCTIONThe estimated numbers of patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and B (CHB) viral infections in the world are 2.7 million and 350 million, respectively. 1 2 Depressive symptoms are common in these patient groups. Increased expression of specifi c proinfl ammatory cytokines has been shown to cause depressive symptoms in patients with hepatitis C virus. Additionally, treatment of the disease with interferon (IFN) may also cause or exacerbate depression.3 4 Reports suggest that depression in patients with CHB develops less frequently than in patients with CHC during treatment with IFN. However, a Turkish study found a Acupuncture for depression and myalgia in patients with hepatitis: an observational study high rate of psychiatric disorders and no signifi cant difference between the two groups.
5Psychotherapy and antidepressant drugs are known to be useful but high rates of dropout, lack of effect in some patients, intolerable adverse effects and relapse all reduce their effectiveness and patient compliance. [6][7][8] In consequence, patients with depression may seek alternative treatments.Acupuncture has long been used to treat emotional and psychological disorders, including anxiety, insomnia and depression. It may also be an alternative treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with CHB or CHC. In our patients with hepatitis, we have found that in addition to depression, myalgia is also common. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and myalgia among patients with chronic hepatitis and ...