Dengue fever is an important public health concern in most tropical and subtropical countries, and its prevention and control rest on vector surveillance and control. However, many aspects of dengue epidemiology remain unclear; in particular, the relationship between
vector abundance and dengue transmission risk. This study aims to identify entomological and immunological indices capable of discriminating between dengue case and control (non-case) houses, based on the assessment of candidate indices, as well as individual and household characteristics, as potential risk factors for acquiring dengue infection.
This prospective, hospital-based, case-control study was conducted in northeastern Thailand between June 2016 and August 2019. Immature and adult stage
were collected at the houses of case and control patients, recruited from district hospitals, and at patients’ neighboring houses. Blood samples were tested by RDT and PCR to detect dengue cases, and were processed with the Nterm-34 kDa salivary peptide to measure the human immune response to
bites. Socioeconomic status, and other individual and household characteristics were analyzed as potential risk factors for dengue.
Study findings showed complex relationships between entomological indices and dengue risk. The presence of DENV-infected
es at the patient house was associated with 4.2-fold higher odds of dengue. On the other hand,
presence (irrespective of infectious status) in the patient’s house was negatively associated with dengue. In addition, the human immune response to
bites, was higher in control than in case patients and
adult abundance and immature indices were higher in control than in case houses at the household and the neighboring level. Multivariable analysis showed that children aged 10–14 years old and those aged 15–25 years old had respectively 4.5-fold and 2.9-fold higher odds of dengue infection than those older than 25 years.
DENV infection in female
at the house level was positively associated with dengue infection, while adult
presence in the household was negatively associated. This study highlights the potential benefit of monitoring dengue viruses in
vectors. Our findings suggest that monitoring the presence of DENV-infected
mosquitoes could be a better indicator of dengue risk than the traditional immature entomological indices.