The causes of many bridge failures have been reported to be local scour around abutments. This study examines roughening elements as devices with which to intercept the downflow responsible for the formation of the principal vortex, which is what triggers local scour around abutments. Two vertical wall abutments with different widths were examined under four different hydraulic conditions in a clear-water regime. Elements with different thicknesses (t) and protrusions (P) with the same dimensions, (P = t = 0.05 L, 0.1 L, 0.2 L, and 0.3 L, where L is the length of the abutment) and with varying depths of installation (Z) were considered. Elements were installed in two positions: between the sediment surface and water elevation and buried within the sediment. To determine the optimum depth of installation, one element was first installed on the sediment surface, and the number of elements was increased in each subsequent test. The results show that installing elements between water surface elevation and the sediment’s initial level did not show any defined trend on scour depth reduction. However, the optimum installation depth of the elements is 0.6–0.8 L below the initial bed level. Moreover, the roughening elements with thickness and protrusion of P = t = 0.2 L resulted in the most effective protection of the foundation. The best arrangement, (P = t = 0.2 L and Z = >0.6–0.8 L) reduced the maximum scour depth by up to 30.4% and 32.8% for the abutment with smaller and larger widths, respectively.