Water is an important component of the human body. A greater percentage of the body comprises of water. Digestion, brain function, movement, and sweating among others are the basic functions of the human body that require water. Often, water quality is neglected in developing countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Many individuals in these countries understand the importance of having accessible water but do not prioritize the quality and the sources of the water available to them. Public health scholars endorse education, training, and sanitary infrastructure to promote awareness and importance of water quality. To address an existing waterborne disease crisis in a school in Kenya, the researcher conducted a needs assessment and tested the applicability and modified a water purification technology (WaterPOD) along Menomonee River in WI. Upon success of the simulation, the researcher used the Health Belief Model, Diffusion of Innovations, and Assessment, Design, Implementation, and Evaluation model (ADDIE) of instructional design to develop a water health-training program, which she later implemented and evaluated in 5 locations in Kenya. The results showed that the training program increased public awareness, perceived severity of waterborne diseases; water treatment and source protection. It also increased self-efficacy on household water health and sanitation.