“…not one that is specic to a particular deployment, it may in fact be more transparent to not report volumetric air concentrations: the time-normalised sequestered amount has less uncertainty than the calculated (15, 47, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320 m) concentration, because the latter inherits the uncertainty of the SR. Several early PAS studies had reported spatial results in amount per sampler or amount per sampler per time, 29,280,390,391,432,433,448,469 but only recently has there been a reemergence of support for not necessarily reporting volumetric air concentrations. [514][515][516][517] This approach is clearly advisable when using a PAS whose SR under a given set of circumstances is not well established or even unknown. A good example is the study attaching a PAS to a gull, where it was entirely possible to compare the exposure of different birds using time-normalised sequestered amounts.…”