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Concomitant Solid Separation through Electric Field Enhanced CrystallizationWei W. Li, [b] Norbert Radacsi, [b] Herman J.M. Kramer, [b] Antoine E. D. M. van der Heijden [b] and Joop H. ter Horst* [a] Abstract: When applied to a pure component suspension in an apolar solvent, a strong inhomogeneous electric field induces particle movement and the particles are collected at the surface of one of the two electrodes. This new phenomenon was used to separately isolate two organic crystalline compounds, phenazine and caffeine, from their suspension of 1,4-dioxane. First, the crystals of both compounds were collected at different electrodes under the influence of the electric field. Subsequent cooling crystallization allowed the immobilization and growth of the particles on the electrodes, which were separately collected after the experiment with purities higher than 91%. This method can be further developed into a technique for crystal separation and recovery in complex multicomponent suspensions of industrial processes.Crystallization is an effective and efficient separation technology that can, in a single process step, recover the desired compounds from solutions as high purity (>99%) crystalline solids [1,2,3,4] . However, such highly purified product is hard to obtain from a multi-component solution by direct crystallization, such as the product stream from a type-I Multicomponent Reaction (MCR), [5,6] or a racemic mixture of chiral pharmaceutical compounds, [7] since a mixed suspension is a likely result. Further purification of the solid phase usually requires additional steps (see Figure 1 (a) for instance), which will inevitably lead to the loss of valuable products. Alternatively, a single crystallization step coupled with simultaneous particle separation could diminish the product loss wh...