Einstein relativity theory shows its high capability of promoting itself to solve the long stand physical problems. The so-called generalized special relativity (GSR) was derived later, using the beautiful Einstein relation between field and space-time curvature. In this work we re-derive (GSR) expression of time by incorporating the field effect in it, and by using mirror clock and Lorentz transformations. This expression reduces to that of (GSR) the previous conventional one, besides reducing to special relativistic expression. It also shows that the speed of light is constant inside the field and is equal to C. This means that the observed decrease of light in matter and field is attributed to the strong interaction of photons with particles and mediates which causes successive absorption and reemission processes that lead to time delay. This absorption process makes some particles appear to move faster than light within the field or medium. This new expression, unlike that of GSR, can describe time and coordinate relativistic expressions for strong as well as weak fields at constant acceleration.