“…Static acoustic monitoring. Static acoustic monitoring is an effective method to survey cetaceans, especially in areas with rare registrations due to low population densities such as the harbour porpoise in the Baltic Proper (Gallus et al 2012), the vaquita Phocoena sinus in the Gulf of California, Mexico (Gerrodette et al 2011), Hector's dolphin Cephalo rhynchus hectori in New Zealand (Rayment et al 2009(Rayment et al , 2011), Heaviside's dolphin Ce pha lorhynchus heavisidii in Namibia (Leeney et al 2011), and the Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica in India (SasakiYama moto et al 2013). In the future, statistical methods may allow the extrapolation of acoustic de tec tions to animal abundances, which requires a detec tion function including additional information about abiotic factors, and biotic factors such as the echolocation behaviour of porpoises (Kyhn et al 2008(Kyhn et al , 2012.…”